Friday, April 8, 2011

Death by Irish

Quick review on a tasty that my friend Ry brought into town from Central WA the other weekend. I had some when we were hanging out but was able to give it a little more attention last night.

The Beer: Irish Death
The Style: Strong Dark Ale
The Brewer: Iron Horse
ABV: 7.8%

Pours pretty dark but not pitch black, very similar to a porter. The nose has a nutty character to it with a hint of hops or bitterness to it. HUGE contrast with the mouth; it's very sweet and malty with the roasted grain coming through which lingers for a little bit in the aftertaste and then it's gone. Alcohol presence is almost not there. This drinks like a session beer and I had to double check to see it's almost 8%! It does get kind of filling after a couple of pints so I would say a 22 bomber is perfect for a relaxing evening.

I personally like darker beers like this more in the colder months, so to me this would be perfect on an Autumn afternoon. It would also be interesting on nitro (drool....). Thanks to Ry for bringing this in to town!

Tomorrow I embark on an adventure in homebrewing. Making an IPA to start and expecting it to be ready in about five to six weeks. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember Ry bringing me one of these as well that weekend, but for the life of me i don't remember if i drank it that night or what... Perhaps i'll get another one when i'm in his neck of the woods, or perhaps you other chaps would be good enough to remind me if i drank it. And, if so, whether or not i liked it.
